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Saint Xavier University Chicago Campus Residence Halls

Gerontology Studies Minor

Students who wish to declare a gerontology minor should notify the Office of Records and Registration (A-203).

The Interdisciplinary Gerontology/Aging Studies program offers a minor that examines the diversity and complexity of the older adult using a venue of varied disciplines and perspectives, including biology, psychology, sociology, spirituality, communication and health. Elective courses are drawn from across the University. The minor will meet the educational and experiential needs of a variety of students who have an interest in working with the older adult or for students who wish to gain knowledge about this growing segment of the population. Students who engage in a Gerontology minor will acquire a general understanding of the impact of culture, ethnicity, spirituality, and health and level of wellness and quality of life on older adults.

To fulfill the requirements of the minor, students must complete a minimum of 18 credit hours in approved courses, including GERON 101/NURS 199 Introduction to Aging (3); plus five gerontology electives. Courses in the minor have a focus on aging, and will be drawn from across the SXU curriculum, and will include periodic special topics courses. At least one-half of the credit hours used to fulfill the minor must be completed at Saint Xavier University.

Students enrolled in the minor who wish to complete the major may apply completed minor courses to meet the criteria of the degree completion/major.

Students should consult with their program advisor and the coordinator of the gerontology programs, Dr. Mary Tiberg ( when planning their Interdisciplinary Gerontology major or minor.

Faculty and Administration

The Gerontology Studies program is sponsored by the College of Nursing, Health Sciences and Business. It is an interdisciplinary program that draws upon the expertise of faculty in many academic programs within the University. Faculty members offer perspectives and courses appropriate to the multidimensional study of older adults and contribute to the development of the program's curriculum.

The College of Nursing, Health Sciences and Business reserves the right to amend policies, procedures and other program information as necessary. All changes will be communicated promptly.